KideoCall – online playgroups for language learning
Raising kids abroad? Struggle to maintain or develop their native or local language? Let your kids learn and practice while playing with native-speakers!

Raising kids abroad? Struggle to maintain or develop their native or local language? Let your kids learn and practice while playing with native-speakers!
KideoCall helps families living abroad to develop their preschoolers’ native or local language and cultural bond. Via video calls, specially trained coaches engage 3-8 year-olds in activities that support their language and social skills development.
One session brings together up to 4 kids from around the world for 1-2 hours. KideoCall sessions are currently held in Estonian or Russian. Our sessions are suitable for kids that (at least) understand the language to some extent, even if they don’t speak it (well).
Kids love those get-togethers because the activities are based on their interests, i.e. they get a say in what to do or play, and they find friends that share their cultural roots. With the help of KideoCall coaches, kids can practice their native/local language and learn new vocabulary through role-playing, board games, or crafting.
During the sessions, children are systematically encouraged to not sit at the desk or in front of the screen. Instead, active games and movement are promoted.
The booking process is simple: to use KideoCall, you book a time here (or write to liis@kideocall.com), get a confirmation with a link to the video call, and start the call.
So far, KideoCall has brought more than 1,000 hours of active, social, and child-specific learning experience to more than 300 kids.
10 professional teachers and youth workers have been trained to effectively and meaningfully work with kids online.
KideoCall is cooperating with the Ministry of Education and Research of Estonia, Tallinn University, and EdTech Estonia to further develop the e-learning methodology.
94% of parents say they were surprised how engaged and happy their kids were during and after those sessions.
My children were very excited before the KideoCall and were really looking forward to meeting the coach. Both children really enjoyed their time with the coach.
4 y.o. & 6 y.o., Germany
It was very nice to see my child being engaged in different activities and communicating with new people in Estonian.
3 y.o., Netherlands
My daughter was a bit shy at first but the coach quickly engaged her and she stayed focused and happy for the whole hour. She really enjoyed it and was excited when I asked if she wanted to do it again.
7 y.o., Australia
The coach chose the activities based on the child’s interests. The child could practice Estonian language, the dialogue covered many topics. At the end of the session, the coach played a song during which the kid cleaned the room. They called it the “cleaning song” and it worked very well. The child enjoyed that someone was there only for him and was interested in his desires. The first experience was positive.
5 y.o., Switzerland
My son really liked it! He even wished the session could have been longer and that more kids could have been present. In any case, he had fun and was able to practice Estonian.
6 y.o., Ireland
We live abroad and there is a lack of the possibilities to practice Estonian language. We had been looking for an online teacher for months, but we hadn’t found anyone who would be really helpful. The trial went well and our child seemed very interested. I have already booked a new video call, and we definitely intend to use the service in the future.
4 y.o., USA
● learn and practice Estonian through play
● introduce Estonian culture and customs
● find Estonian-speaking friends
● boost motivation to learn and courage to speak*
*Yes – that’s what (grand)parents say!
Alesja on muusikaõpetaja ja sertifitseeritud lapsehoidja. Alesja räägib emakeelena nii eesti kui ka vene keelt.
Liis on eripedagoog ja õpetaja, kes on töötanud üle kümne aasta nii alus- ja üldharidus- kui ka noorsootöö valdkonnas.
Artur on robootika õpetaja ja meie oma "jutupliiats". Arturiga saab läbi arvuti "Tsirkust" mängida või näiteks programmeerimist õppida.
Piia on kogenud kunstiõpetaja ja koduõppe koordinaator. Läbi teadmiste eripedagoogikas läheneb ta individuaalselt iga lapse arenguvajadustele.
Rutt on lapsehoidja, kes on väikesest peale pisemaid hoidnud. Ruti tugevuseks on fantaasiamängud ja loov õppimine.
Mariliis on õppinud noorsootööd, pidanud huvijuhi ametit ja hoidnud kolme perekonna lapsi. Tema põhimõte on: last tuleb võtta võrdse partnerina.
Oled hea kuulaja? Lähtud lapse initsiatiivist ja (arengu)vajadustest? Ootame Sind missiooniga tiimi!
CURIOUS? First session 1 h = 7 €
weekly 50€/month
biweekly 90€/month
First book a single session HERE or by writing to info@kideocall.com.
After the session, we can suggest matching groups and suitable times for your kid(s).
NB! We expect an adult to be within earshot (in the next room).
CURIOUS? First session 50 min. = 7 €
PLAYGROUPS for learning Estonian (50 min)
weekly 49€/month
biweekly 89€/month
weekly private sessions 98€/month
First book a single session HERE or by writing to info@kideocall.com.
After the session, we can suggest matching groups and suitable times for your kid(s).
NB! We expect an adult to be within earshot (in the next room).
We’re happy to talk!
+372 5650 6795